In the Czech Republic was harvested 6615,7 tonnes of hops for year 2009
Central Institute of Supervising and Testing, department of hop in Zatec (ÚKZÚZ, manager Mr. Vladimir Barborka) provided definitive data for harvest in 2009. Total 6615,7 mt (2008 - 6759,2; 2007 – 5630,6) hops was harvested in Czech Republic in 2009. It is average yield 1,25 mt per hectar. (2008 – 1,27)
In main Saaz hop growing region was growned 4612,94 mt (2008 - 4576,2 mt), ie. yield 1,18 mt/ha (2008 - 1,16 mt/ha), in Auscha total 834,59 t (2008- 960,41 mt) ie. 1,24 mt/ha (2008 - 1,45 mt/ha) and in Trschitz hop region total 1168,13 mt (2008 - 1215,84 mt), ie. yield 1,58 mt/ha (2008 - 1,69 mt/ha). It were to slight reduction of production agains last year. Year 2009 is possible to assess as good against years 2006 and 2007. This year is fourth the best for last twelve years. Average yield remained a same at all regions. Unfourtunate fact is pernament reduction of acreage in our country. Crop was unfortunately influence weather too. During vegetation and mainly late July and second decade of August by climatic events. Fall some tens hectars of trellies
Saaz semi-early red-bine (ZPC)
Main part of production is fine aroma variety Saaz semi-early red-bine (81,55 % from total) 5395,25 m t (2008 - 5563,14 t). In Saaz region was harvested 3845,28 mt ie. yield 1,11 mt/ha (2008 - 3848,49 mt, 1,08 mt/ha), in Auscha region 726,76 mt ie. yield 1,22 mt/ha (2008 - 846,5 mt, 1,42 mt/ha) and Trschitz 823,21 mt ie. yield 1,43 mt/ha (2008 - 868,15 mt, 1,5 mt/ha). It was harvested about 167,89 mt less against 2008 and 831,85 mt more then 2007.
Acreage of ZPC to less about 1202 ha from 1999 and this is over 20 %. Fall of variety Saaz semi-early red-bine continue also thanks less renewal but it was contrary more and 5 %. Further relating problem is very high average age growth this variety in the Czech Republic.
Others czech varieties
Results further Czech varieties we have evaluate individualy and according their properties and regions. Good result was recorded for aromatic variety Sládek with total production 567,93 mt, average yield 2,08 mt/ha (2008 – 548,63 mt, 2,29 mt/ha; 2007 - 488,2 mt, 2,27 mt/ha). Production of aromatic variety Premiant was 483,88 mt, with yield 1,67 t/ha (2008 - 478,95 mt, 1,79 mt/ha; 2007 - 424,4 mt, 1,7 mt/ha). Total bitter variety Agnus was 123,84 mt, with yield 2,14 mt/ha (2008 - 114,1 mt, 2,19 mt/ha 2007 - 119,7 mt, 2,35 mt/ha). Yields slightly less per two growing seasons. Increased production of varieties Sladek and Agnus and thanks slight grow acreage.
Bitter substance content
Following values are for all Czech Republic according Chmelarstvi, cooperative Zatec (assessed by: 8.12.09)
Saaz semi-early red-bine 3,94 % Sladek 7,58 % Premiant 9,84 % Agnus 11,81 %