Czech hop export decreased for drought in 2015
Hops are important item of agrarian international trade of the Czech Republic. Base on data of Czech Statistical Office there was exported 3 688 tons of certified czech hops from the Czeech Republic. The certification system is indispensable for trade with czech hops. It declares traceability, quality and originality of buying hops.
The 2015 hop export decreased for unprecedent weather conditions between July - August. Hops were affected by long hot and dry wave with losses over 250 million CZK.
Total export value was 877 million CZK and it is longterm average. Intl trade balance reached 716 millions CZK. Hop trade helped to moderate negative trade balance of total agrarian international trade of the Czech Republic.
More than two thirds of hop export were shipped out of EU28. Major market for czech hops is currently Asia (Japan, China ...) and EU importer Germany. Hop export is still rising to Belgium, Italy or USA.
TOP 10 importers of czech hops (calendar year 2015) 1. China - 963 t * decreasing for postponing of deliveries |
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