Czech hop harvest reached 6,997 metric tons 1st December 2023
According to the official report released by UKZUZ the total hop production in the Czech Republic reached 6,997 MT that was picked, dried and baled from the 4,860 hectars. This production is 57.2 % higher (by 2,545 tons) in comparison to a very low 2022 crop. The yield among the all varieties was calculated 1.44 MT per hectar.
The total production of Saaz variety was 5,331 tons (2,204 tons more compared to 2022 crop). This is 76 per cent share of total Czech hop production. The final yield of 1.31 t/ha was sligthly above 10-years average 1.19 t/ha. Saaz varietiy is still domination variety and the most grown fine aroma variety in the world with the acreage 4,063 hectars.
In 2023 the alpha acid content of the Saaz variety (average 2,6 per cent) was lower than the long-term average but other Czech hop varieties recorded values around the long-term average or in some varieties above it.
Statistics in English http://www.czhops.cz/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=35&Itemid=105&lang=en
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Statistical report (Czech)
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